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Orienteeering with the Grenoble University Club - Orienteering club
propose orienteering practice as well as a student, family or leisure activity
as in a competitive scope
organize members’ training (every
Tuesday at 6:30 pm on the UFRAPS sports stadium -ask for the GUC-CO at the pole
vaulting pit);
or weekend technical training in the Grenoble surrounding woods with
You can meet us from now on the Challenge grenoblois a five stage event taking place each Wednesday from May 18 (La Bastille) to June 22.
GUC CO organize the second stage on May 25th in Echirolles (map Parc maurice Thorez). Each stage starts at 5 pm and last start is at 6:45 pm
It will then be time to focus on our two days event la Verta CO which will take place this year in Villard de Lans (2 and 3 July) with a sprint and a long distance. The entry form can be downloaded here
Take advantage of the University sport facility and take part with us in the local regional and national orienteering events.
We won three titles at the Rhone Alpes long distance championship. Congratulations for Mathis (H12), Roland (H60) and Stef (H55).
Contact with us, ask for information on the phone : +33 (0)4 76 76 27 10 (work
time) +33 (0)6 81 00 80 56 (mobile)
Send us a mail at gucco(at)free.fr - type @ for the
Meet with us every Tuesday at 6:30 pm on the UFRAPS sports stadium (ask for
the GUC-CO at the pole vaulting pit).
Our orienteering club offers you the best opportunity
of discovering and sharing our passion in the Grenoble area.
to the home page of the Grenoble Université Club - Course d'Orientation